Meet The Team
Get to know the defined benefit plan consultants behind our success

Rick Grossman
Of Counsel (Los Angeles)
Rick Grossman is a member of the actuarial consulting team and part of the senior leadership for October Three. During his career, Rick has worked with employers of all shapes and sizes – from small businesses and partnerships to corporations with well over 100,000 employees – helping them effectively manage their compensation and benefit programs. Rick serves as our lead liaison between the technology development team and the actuaries and is front and center in our quest to radically change the way defined benefit plans are administered and delivered to clients. Rick believes that the current model deployed by the actuarial community is outdated and is in need of change – and is committed to lead our efforts in this way.
Rick is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA), and received a B.A. in Mathematics from the University of California at San Diego. Rick worked for Towers Perrin and Watson Wyatt, before joining CCA Strategies in 2004.
Contact Rick Grossman